Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 10: Level 1 Results

thirty day shred // day ten progress

I've finally completed Level 1 of The 30 Day Shred and I can see some differences in my body. The first level was difficult, but the soreness went away completely by about Day 4. I'm anxious to see what Level 2 has in store. Please note that, in addition to daily shred-sessions I have been working out at the gym. Last week I worked out every week day for 30 minutes on the elliptical at high resistance. I have also been logging and watching my calories. My rule of thumb is simple. Eat when you're hungry. Don't eat when you're not.

I lost two pounds thus far. I also took my measurements on Day 1 and Day 10. Here are the results:

I've been following shredheads on twitter for motivation. If you're interested in keeping up with me on twitter, you can find me here.


MadScientist said...

That's awesome. good on you.

Marisa @Loser for Life said...

Great job, Jenelle! The Shred is brutal, but an awesome workout for the amount of time. Although, why does that 20 minutes seem like an eternity while you're doing it????? ;)

Jenelle said...

Michelle - Thanks so much!

Marisa - Thanks! The first few days at Level 1 were SO hard. I started Level 2 bright and early this morning at 6am and I have no idea how it's ever going to come easily. I guess Jillian's whole point is to really push yourself during every one of those twenty agonizing minutes.

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